Looking out the window, the pouring rain seemed to be a dream for him. He wasn’t sure whether he was dreaming or not, but was quite sure about one thing; that his name was Robert or something beginning with the letter ‘r’. He was also sure about something he possessed, something not many in the world could ever dream of. No it isn’t a roof above his head nor was it loving parents or good friends, it wasn’t anything of that sort actually. He could time travel, he couldn’t leap from century to century but he could time travel, in a small way, in a convenient way. He was not a slave but master of the clocks; he was the master of himself. Clocks on his command would tick then tock and at times skip the tock and go back to tick. At times they ticked and ticked and tocked with great intensity and swiftness, it was an easy life for him; it was an easy three days.
Only a few moments had seemed to pass thanks to him and still without a movement he gazed at the pouring rain. Little droplets raced down to the end of his glass window, this made him think about the times when he was a still a child. A water droplet was something that fascinated him now and then. As a child he would wet his little palms and watch which one of those droplets that rolled down his arm would reach his elbow first. But that was now a very long tome ago. He was not that quite old but he felt wear and tear of someone twice his age. Maybe all that games he played with arms of the clock had taken its toll after all.
It was two days ago that he first saw her. He couldn’t remember where, but it was definitely once of those over crowded places that is quite common nowadays. There were a million other people there, a million other people like him, a million other people like her. It was just a couple seconds, his mind tried with all its might to make the clocks stay on the same tick forever but in the end he failed. He managed to delay the tock for some time but his mind failed eventually. Something told him that he would meet her again and that her name was She. That raised his spirits, he and She still had the chance to become a We. That his heart told him, his heart consoled him.